
    University of Florida教授讲座通知
    访问:830  日期:2012-07-25

    题目:FromBench to the Real World: Translational Research for Food Safety

    报告人:KwangCheol Jeong, PhDAssistant professor
    University of Florida, Emerging Pathogens Institute



    Abstract: Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H7 is animportant human pathogen, and cattle are considered a major reservoir of thispathogen. Many intervention technologies, mainly at the post-harvest level, areimplemented to prevent outbreaks of diseases caused by STEC-O157. However, itis believed that a reduction in the prevalence and numbers at the pre-harvestlevels will reduce the number of contamination in foods, resulting in enhancedfood safety and public health. To develop pre-harvest intervention technologies, we use a translationalresearch approach that translates the findings acquired from the basic sciences(bench) to develop technologies to help humans and animals (real world). Webelieve understanding host-microbe interactions will provide insights for thedevelopment of interventiontechnologies. Thus, the primary goal of my research team isto understand molecular mechanisms of colonization and survival of bacterialpathogens in hosts. Another keyaspect of my research team is applied sciences, which is to developintervention technologies to fight against pathogens using findings from bench.On going projects related to food safety will be discussed during the seminar.